Books by Shelley Hendrix



There is nothing more amazing than being a mom—and also, perhaps, nothing more difficult. From the chaos of toddlerhood to the drama of middle-schoolers to the keep-you-up-at-night terror of your teenager behind the wheel, raising kids brings a new set of challenges at every stage. The only way to navigate these various seasons of life—and find time to savor the incredible joys that accompany the difficulties—is to turn to the one Parent who truly can handle it all: our Heavenly Father. In this devotional, women from all stages of life offer words of wisdom, humorous anecdotes, and helpful advice—all grounded in Biblical truth—to encourage their fellow moms on the journey. Short devotionals for busy moms, these entries gently remind us that no matter what each day holds, we can rest in the truth that ultimately our children are in His hands, and that God delights in walking this journey with us.

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Why Can’t We Just Get Along?

Every woman suffers from relationships that seem broken and past the point of salvaging. Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? provides a warm, friendly, and candid resource for women to look honestly at relationship issues and take control of their own lives…regardless of the choices others make. Author and speaker Shelley Hendrix unpacks six biblical principles that will enable readers to “be at peace with everyone.” With practical, easy-to-understand tools, Shelly helps women find peace in their lives and friendships; discover new motivation to restore and repair hurting relationships; create closer connections by accepting and appreciating differences in others; and become empowered to serve each other in love. Complete with discussion questions, real-life illustrations, teaching from Scripture, and expert advice from psychologists and therapists, Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? is an invaluable resource for women everywhere, showing them how to find peace in places they never thought they could.

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Wisdom: A Girl’s Best Friend

Got Wisdom?

For most of our lives, we’ve been told that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Many  of us have bought that idea – even if our diamonds look much different than someone else’s. Our pursuit for the right career, the right relationship, the right lifestyle or perhaps even the right ministry can prevent us from enjoying what Scripture teaches is truly supreme: Wisdom!

Spend 31 days with Shelley Hendrix through this journey of The Proverbs. Ancient teachings that truly apply to today!

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