Be-YOU-ti-FULLY You!

Coco Chanel quoteIn April of 2017, I tried this product only because my cousin was selling it. I had been looking for something fun to add into my life (on my quest to living a more beautiful life). I was hooked the first day and decided right then and there to become a distributor for LipSense.

lipsense-logo no background

I had no idea how quickly I would fall in love with, not only LipSense, but the entire line of skin care and make up. But, what really took me by surprise was how incredible the company, SeneGence, is.


I will never pressure any of you to make a purchase from me or sign up as a distributor under me. But I would be completely stupid to not at least make you aware of:

  1. These awesome products
  2. How much they’ve changed my life personally and
  3. The opportunity to let the same thing happen for you.

This is the space I’ve created in my life to share what I’m learning about living a more beautiful life as we take care of ourselves – adding confidence as we get to let our creative sides come out to play! You can also visit my Facebook group “Smooches & Smiles for Miles” to get in on the news and updates first while getting to interact with others who are loving it, too!

You can shop my stock from Facebook! (Check out the group link above!)

How to Shop My Stock 411


Visit where you can also view all of these amazing products!

Visit SeneGence Online to shop now! Make sure to use my Distributor Number 349131 when you order, please! for more info and don’t hesitate to let me know if you have questions!

Psssttt…Want wholesale discounts with no minimum orders? You can easily sign up for $55 (plus tax/shipping) using my Distributor number 349131 so that I can sponsor and support you as you learn the ropes as either a discount customer or a full-on small business owner distributing SeneGence products.


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